By: Brenda Henderson, Class of ’65
We see (Morgan on the Vineyard) as a vehicle to connect to each other. The strength of Morgan is found in the alumni who protect, advance and support its mission.
– Greg M. Jones, Class of 1979
A native of Orangeburg, South Carolina, Greg M. Jones, of Morgan’s Class of 1979, understood early on the importance of education. His mother taught at Claflin University. His first introduction to an Historically Black College or University came when he was a third grader in daycare, which was located on Claflin’s campus. As an adult, he realized the impact of those experiences on his life. Graduating from Morgan with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Jones went on to achieve a Master of Arts in Public Administration at Carnegie Mellon University and a Master of Business Administration as a Cigna Foundation Fellow at The Wharton School.
Jones was attracted to Morgan early in his life. His mother was a graduate of two historically Black institutions, Claflin University and South Carolina State University, and he witnessed the fun his parents had getting together with their friends at football games at Hampton, North Carolina A&T, Johnson C. Smith and other HBCUs. Other strong influences on his college choice were two Morgan alums: his cousins Marilyn Jones Knight, of the Class of 1978, and Janice Jones, of the Class of 1970.
“Morgan became the Jones family school,” says Greg, who has another cousin, Kai Purnell, in Morgan’s Class of 2024. “I liked what I saw: a warm environment.”
These days, Greg and his wife of 38 years, Lauren Allen-Jones, reside in Connecticut, where Greg serves as vice president for strategy and planning for Hartford Healthcare. Lauren, like Greg, a strong advocate for education, was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and earned a Bachelor of Arts at California University and a Master of Arts in Educational Psychology from Duquesne University. She met Greg when he accepted employment in Pittsburgh.
Building Legacy
The couple has raised two daughters, Erin and Morgan — both students at Spelman College now — and are also the founders of The Legacy Foundation of Hartford, a nonprofit organization with a mission to address and reduce disparities in health and education, particularly in Hartford, where test scores of low-income students are in the nation’s bottom third. The Foundation partners with other organizations to expand its reach, says Greg, who is executive director and board chair for the organization. The Foundation focuses on students in grades 3–11 and aims to expose the program participants to new experiences. Tara Turner, assistant vice president for Development at Morgan, says, “It is not unusual for Jones to use bus excursions to bring groups of students to campus to engage them in great experiences.” The Legacy Foundation operates on a $5-million budget and has 15 employees and approximately 150 students. It depends on funding from state and local grants, corporate sponsors, private donations and annual events. “We want all the kids to spend every minute of their time like their life depended on going to college,” Jones states. “We started The Legacy 10 years ago. One of my proudest moments was when one of the first students graduated from Morgan, in May 2023.” “We focus our energies on creating opportunities,” Jones says. “Talent is universal. Opportunities are not. We develop and execute programs that primarily create opportunities to help advance the educational pursuits of youth and encourage a proactive approach to health responsibility.”Greg Jones and his wife, Lauren, are also the founders of The Legacy Foundation of Hartford, a nonprofit organization with a mission to address and reduce disparities in health and education.
‘Our Responsibility’
His own Morgan experience fueled a passion for giving back to alma mater that has grown taller and wider over the years. In 2014, he and Lauren established the Greg M. and Lauren Allen-Jones Endowment Fund, which aids the Morgan State University Foundation in awarding scholarships to Morgan students based on academic achievement and financial need. Another of the couple’s fundraising endeavors has quickly become an annual highlight on the calendars of Morganites and Morgan supporters. Encouraged by a friend to visit Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, Greg thoroughly enjoyed the trip and eventually bought a vacation home on the island, which has long been a beloved summer destination of African Americans. The couple noticed that HBCUs drew alumni to the Vineyard annually for events and fellowship, and they wondered why Morgan did not. Six years ago, after inquiring with Morgan President David K. Wilson, Greg and Lauren decided to welcome Morgan alumni to their Vineyard home for a fun visit that would also bring in financial support for the University. That informal event has evolved to become a week of activities — cost-free to participants, thanks to the generosity of Greg and Lauren — anchored by a reception with President Wilson, a beach party and an “Orange Out” restaurant dinner. Tara Turner reports that Morgan on the Vineyard has raised more than $432,000 for the University since its launch in 2018. This amount includes donations of $250,000 by Morgan alum Stephanie Nellons-Paige (Classes of 1981 and 1985) to Morgan’s Department of Transportation and Urban Infrastructure and $100,000 by Rodney Carter in memory of his wife, Cherry Nunn Carter of Morgan’s Class of 1991. Jones invites Morgan alum, family and friends to, “Come and experience the Vineyard and support Morgan. We will accept all donations, whatever the amount.” To help create a spirit of giving, donors are offered a choice of monogrammed “Morgan swag,” such as caps, hoodies, glasses, bags and sweatshirts. “We see this as a vehicle to connect to each other,” Jones says about the increasingly popular event. “The strength of Morgan is found in the alumni who protect, advance and support its mission. It’s now our watch…. It’s our responsibility.” Happy but not content with the successes of the endowment and Morgan on the Vineyard, Jones has continued to boost the University in other ways. A member of the Pi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., on Morgan’s campus, “I had the pleasure of presenting a check for $250,000 to Morgan State University Foundation Executive Director Endia DeCordova to commemorate Omega Psi Phi Pi Chapter’s Centennial” last November, says Jones, adding that the chapter also committed to creating a $1-million endowment to support Morgan, with funds to be raised through individual giving.Repaying the Debt
In his corporate life, Jones has a rich history of career and leadership achievements. An investment banker, he has more than 30 years of experience in the profession and has assisted public and privately held manufacturing, utility and healthcare companies in growing their businesses through mergers, acquisitions and strategic capital management. Before arriving at Hartford Healthcare in 2017, Jones held leadership posts with Corporate Development Group/Divestiture Partners, United Technologies Corporation (Pratt & Whitney Division), Bechtel, JP Morgan and other large companies. Jones has been much sought-after to provide leadership direction and insights in a variety of business arenas. At United Technologies, he was one of the founders and the inaugural chairman of the African American Affinity Group. He has also served as chair for the Black Economic Forum and the Hartford Hospital Quality and Credentials Committee and now serves on the boards of directors of Eversource Energy, Hartford Hospital and the Greater Hartford Community Foundation. And he credits Morgan with preparing him for career success. “Morgan was my hotspot, where I developed confidence and a foundation for success,” Jones says. Tara Turner describes him as “an exemplary, humble graduate who knows how to help the community and has the connections. He gives from the heart…. He is known for his acts, not money.” Characteristically, Jones is more succinct. “Giving is who I am as an alum,” he says.